====================================================== Descent: Anniversary Edition Levels Contest Entry Form ====================================================== This completed form is to be included with all entries. Full Name: Luke Anthony Schneider Email Address(s): last@uci.edu Postal Address: 541 Berkeley Rd Rm 319 Irvine, CA 92715 Daytime Phone Number (714) 509-0704 Evening Phone Number (NA) Name of Mission: Demon Bridge (demonbrg) Description of Mission: Mid-size level with plenty of bridges and open areas. BY ENTERING YOUR NAME BELOW AND TRANSMITTING IT TO INTERPLAY (WHICH SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGAL EFFECT AS YOUR SIGNATURE AND DELIVERY), YOU AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS OF THE RULES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SECTION 6 REGARDING OWNERSHIP OF YOUR SUBMISSION BY INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS. Luke Schneider ___________________________________________________ [Enter your name above if you have read and agree to the Descent:Anniversary Contest Rules] ==================================================== End of entry form.